06 June, 2016

Head impact sensor helps to detect concussion

With X2 Biosystems you get the most comprehensive Head Impact Management System available. And it’s the only solution that’s been shown in multiple independent peer-reviewed studies to help significantly reduce the incidence and risks of head impacts and related injuries.

The X-Patch is also being used to help study cumulative brain damage due to repetitive sub-concussive head impacts, and to develop more comprehensive and personalized remove-from-play thresholds.

X2’s Integrated Concussion Evaluation (ICE) app is the leading tablet computer implementation of the internationally standardized SCAT3 test for athlete concussion evaluations. In fact, X2 ICE is used for baseline testing, post-impact sideline assessments, and return- to-play monitoring by the National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL), and Major League Soccer (MLS).

More details can be found from X2 Biosystems website by following this link.

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