18 July, 2016

China CFDA released 2015 Annual Report for National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring

China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) recently released the 2015 Annual Report for National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring,which describes comprehensively the overview of China's national adverse drug reaction monitoring in 2015. In 2015, the national adverse drug reaction monitoring network received 1.398 million adverse drug reaction/event (ADR/ADE) case reports, which increased 5.3% than that in 2014. 393,000 new and serious ADR/ADE cases were reported in 2015, accounting for 28.2% of the total number of the case reports over the same period. ADR reporting coverage rate reached 96.6% at county level; 1044 ADR cases, on average, were reported per million people.

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