25 February, 2016

2016 Chinese M-Health market preview

In the first 3 quarters of 2015, the Chinese m-Health cluster secured ca. $1.1 billion investment, though almost no new products or services were launched other than peripheral products like smart phone APPs, online patient-doctor appointment system, online consulting platform. Wearable device was one of the most discussed topics in 2015.

In 2016, new capitals are still rush entering the Chinese m-Health market, which will turn into one of the driving factors of market boosting. It is estimated that about 85% of m-Health products will be smart phone related, some market players tend to develop online-offline business models, but profitability is a challenge to everyone.

When m-Health first merged in Chinese market, it was regarded as a high-end service for some minorities, but the situation changed drastically as long as more and more patients starts to own a hardware like arm band, glucose meter with blue tooth, or blood pressure monitor with WiFi, or an APP on either iPhone or an Android phone or tablet.

M-Health is so far not efficiently supported by medical insurance system, which could be one of the bottle necks in the Chinese market. Once there are products or services supported by medical insurance, m-Health industry could be a new gold mine in China.

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