24 February, 2016

China CFDA suspends "Electronical Drug Supervision Code" system

In April 2008, China Food and Drug Administration introduced the "Electronical Drug Supervision Code" system. The 'Code' is like the ID of a drug, which tracks the drug in its entire life circle.
The system is operated by third party service provider Ali Health, a daughter company of Alibaba Group.
On 20 Febuary 2016, just a couple of days after the Chinese Lunar New Year, CFDA announced suspension to the system, which has been running for some 8 years already. Ali Health also declared that the operation rights as well as the entire platform have been duly submitted to CFDA.
Reasons of the suspension was not disclosed by CFDA, and suspension may not mean retirement of system. CFDA may probably release new anouncement or publish new regulations soon, yet to be observed.

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