24 February, 2016

Chinese Dental Market to Boom

As one of the results of the self-consciousness of pursuing healthier life among Chinese people, more and more people start to pay attention to their dental health. This leads to a boom in the dental market.

There are now 60.000 dental clinics in China, among which more and more are commercialized. Thanks to the extraordinary huge patient pool, the market is believed to expand rapidly in the coming years, thus a lot of investors follow closely after the lucrative market opportunities.

The market size of dental devices in 2015 is ca. 135 billion RMB, as statistics shown. It is reportedly to reach 400 billion RMB by 2020. Some IT companies are also involved into the industry, by offering services like tele-medicine, online payment system, online insurance reimbursement system, patient file, data mining and etc.

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